Scheduled work on power supply to DC Berzarina racks (MSK-1 and MSK-2) on 11/13/2023 and 11/14/2023 from 2023-11-13 09:00 MSK to 2023-11-13 19:00 MSK

Scheduled maintenance Bare metal Services Dedicated Servers
2023-11-13 09:00 MSK · 10 hours



This maintenance has been concluded as planned.

November 13, 2023 · 19:00 MSK

This maintenance is now starting as planned.

November 13, 2023 · 09:00 MSK

11/13/2023 and 11/14/2023 from 09:00 to 19:00 GMT/UTC+3 during scheduled work, power inputs to the racks where the rental equipment is located will be turned off. In this case, the other power input will be guaranteed to operate in normal mode (i.e., the level of power supply redundancy will be temporarily reduced).

There are no plans to shut down server equipment.

A list of equipment covered by this work can be requested through the ticket system.

November 9, 2023 · 11:44 MSK

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